• The second season of Twinkle Star, named by Teacher Zhang Fei

  • 2020-09-10

  • Guan, to see, to see and to see, means to observe carefully and understand things.
    The origin of design comes from observation, insight, and then a series of more specific operations of discovery, creativity and design. Good design comes from our keen insight, not only the high-value appearance, but also a unique point of view. View, let the sight of the eye become the direction of the heart.

    Design is a process of experience and experimentation. On the way forward, the more we observe, the deeper we can think. The Star-Raising Project has always made the propositions more open and extensible. From adjectives to gerunds, they are all one word. We explore the various possibilities of product design and find new starting points and voices. "Guan" is the first word in the Buddhist classic "Heart Sutra". It is observation, insight, observation...
    The proposition of the second season of Star Reaching Project is "Guan"
    May it see new stars rise again
    Be the starting point of your design

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