• belaDESIGN was Invited to Attend the West Lake Flowers Music Festival

  • 2015-10-14
  • West Lake Flowers Music Festival

    An artistic activities without utilitarian,commercial
    Desirable to provide a warm, natural lifestyle
    The polymeric of beautiful things and wonderful people in this city
    Do not chase popular or hot spots style music
    Each quarter will have a purely musical theme
    Hope it's purely fade into a routine aesthetic
    Assimilate the aesthetic character into the city
    During one quarter two-month
    Attracted nearly 30,000 spectators reservation admission
    Due to its convenient location: Xihu Tiandi
    More than 10 million residents and visitors stopped and enjoyed

    belaDESIGN was invited to attend the "Fair" activity.
    2015西湖花朵音乐季  爵士的浪漫洒满西湖边
    2015西湖花朵音乐季  爵士的浪漫洒满西湖边
    2015西湖花朵音乐季  爵士的浪漫洒满西湖边
    2015西湖花朵音乐季  爵士的浪漫洒满西湖边

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